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Leftfield, Psychedelic and Ambient Sounds

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Leftfield, Psychedelic and Ambient Sounds

2nd (Vinyl)

Release Date: 14/06/2019
Cat No: MIG00741

Availability: In stock


Availability: In stock

Vinyl reissue.

The band was formed in 1967 by the merger of two Berlin rock groups. In April 1972, the band toured Egypt, Lebanon, Cyprus and Greece at the invitation of the Goethe-Institut. The manifold impressions of this journey were reflected in the first album “Malesch”. Extensive activities made the band known throughout Europe. In the summer of 1972 the group appeared in the cultural program of the Olympic Games in Munich, toured France for two months at the beginning of 1973, performed at the “German Rock Super Concert” in Frankfurt in May, produced the second album “2nd” and then went on tour through France and German cities. Both the SFB and the WDR broadcast portraits and live concerts. In 1974, the band was tired and at the end of the year, after a farewell concert, the band temporarily broke up. Looking back, it became clear that the experimental circle Agitation Free was one of the most important bands of the “Berlin School” and also a career springboard for some German musicians.


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