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Leftfield, Psychedelic and Ambient Sounds

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Leftfield, Psychedelic and Ambient Sounds



If you’ve reached this page then it’s likely that something has caught your eye on the site and piqued your interest, in which case you probably like the same music we do. And what music would that be? It won’t be any particular genre as such, no style is off limits, it’s more about the approach. Putting it in another way, if you drew a Venn diagram that included the magazines Shindig, The Wire and Electronic Sound, then anything that falls in the overlap might well find its way here. A quick browse through the virtual racks on the Shop page will give you a good idea – generally if it’s music of a psychedelic, leftfield or offbeat hue then it’s in the frame. If it’s interesting and we like it then our aim is to make it known to a wider audience, which we hope will include you.

This site will concentrate on sales of new vinyl and CDs, whether they be brand new releases or new versions of classic albums, plus the occasional zine too. For the time being we will be posting within the UK only, but this may change depending on demand. We also hope to be selling new and second-hand vinyl & CDs out in the big wide world, at pop-up events and record fairs, so hopefully we will see you out there sometime. As well as selling music we will be writing about it too, with album and artist reviews & recommendations and regular posts on our Reverberations blog, ideas and contributions for which are always welcome.

We have tried to create a site that is easy and enjoyable to use. You can search for products in a number of ways, by artist, record label, genre, format and title. However, if you find the site difficult to navigate or use in any way then please do feel free to contact us with suggestions of how we might improve things. 

Thanks for stopping by, and please feel free to visit us whenever you’d like, we’re always open. We hope you like what you see and, more importantly, what you hear.

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